Member and Public Input
Vancouver Pride Society (VPS) is seeking input from its members and the general public on a number of proposed bylaw changes. Your feedback will help ensure that VPS bylaws can provide strong governance and sustainable operations that meet the future needs and expectations of Vancouver’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Two Spirited, and Queer communities.
Why change the bylaws?
VPS is governed by the BC Societies Act, which was just updated by the BC Government in 2016. There are now opportunities for different bylaw options that improve public transparency and accountability or allow for members to participate in different ways. VPS felt this could be a good time to take advantage of these options and to also conduct a general review of all the bylaws.
2 Step process
The first step is this request for public input and comments will be accepted until April 30. VPS will then review and consider the public input.
The next step is to hold a special general meeting and the bylaw changes will be presented to the members to adopt. This meeting is targeted for late May and a notice will be sent to members with the full meeting details and bylaw changes.
How to participate and give input
Read the Marked-up Bylaws that detail the specific proposed changes. Comments have been inserted to explain the reason for the change in a colour coded fashion.
- Green comments describe a change that VPS perceives to be of a house-keeping nature and includes corrections, renumbering of clauses or other reasons that do not impact the meaning of the bylaws.
- Yellow comments describe a change that VPS perceives to be of a minor nature. While the meaning of the bylaw is changed, VPS perceives it would have minimal impacts on governance.
- Red comments describe a change that VPS perceives to be more significant and could have governance implications
Complete the Bylaw Public Input Questionnaire to give your input.