If you haven’t heard of Mr. Bentley, well now is the time to get familiar with Yaletown’s biggest star.
Mr. Bentley does it all and one of his favorite things is to fly in a helicopter.
Sunday August 28 th is Pet-A-Palooza Vancouver 2016. Held at 1100 Mainland in Yaletown, this is the largest outdoor canine gathering on the coast. Bring your cherished family member to this pet friendly event. This is a free event for the whole family.
Mr. Bentley will be participating in the Running of The Bulls event and given his athletic aptitude he is sure to impress. Registration for the Running of The Bulls takes place on race day at the Barking Babies Booth. Both French and English Bull dogs can be registered for the race. The English Run starts at 1:00 pm and the French race starts at 2:30pm.
There will be 50 booths set up all dedicated to your fabulous family member. A Pet First Aid station will be located at booth 33, Photo booths set up at booths 16, 36 and 37 and while supplies last your lovely canine can get it’s own swag bag at booth 4 and 47. At 3:30 on The Perfect Turf the Barking Babies Fashion Show hits the runway.
Bradley Friesen is happy to call Mr. Bentley his best buddy. The four year old and 40lb English Bulldog loves the outdoors, car rides and helicopter rides, not to mention his love of tobogganing. He has his own Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/mrbentley_thedog/?hl=en and his own YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqMXCeZvI1CMW95vv59F_pA .
More details to Pet-A-Palooza here.