Michelle McHale says support for the LGBT community was overwhelming
People across the country had their eyes on Steinbach, Man., on Saturday as the community hosted its first Pride parade.
Organizers initially expected about 200 people would visit the southern Manitoba city to celebrate the LGBT community. On Saturday, police estimated between 2,500 and 5,000 people travelled to the community of about 13,500 for the parade.
“It was overwhelming and it just proved our point, right, that most of the world, the country, the province really wants to see equality in every community,” said Pride spokeswoman Michelle McHale.
“So it meant the world to see that many people show up and just show the LGBTQ in Steinbach somebody is looking out for you.”
Read More Here: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/steinbach-pride-a-step-forward-1.3673488#DVP