Swift Change on Inauguration Day
The White House pages on LGBT civil rights and on Climate Change have been deleted. The US Department of Labor has also deleted it’s pages pertaining to LGBT workplace rights.
The LGBT pages highlighted the Obama administration’s policy and featured campaigns like It Gets Better to help LGBT youth.
Pages pertaining to the National HIV/AIDS Strategy have also disappeared.
The LGBT community in the US has been increasingly concerned about their rights under the new administration and many wonder if this is a signal of darker times ahead.
In Los Angeles, the LA LGBT Center has launched 100 days and Me, a community engagement campaign aimed to protect the health and freedom of LGBT people. The Centre is the largest in the United States and receives more than 42,000 visits per month.
According to CBS News, the LGBT feed from the whitehouse.gov website has disappeared completely. It is unclear whether the LGBT pages will be replaced but already many view this as an unsettling sign of things to come.
President Trump was endorsed by the Log Cabin Republication in October 2016 and Vice President Pence famously opposed the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. He also voted against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act which would have prohibited discrimination against LGBT people.