Coming Back From the Street
TeeJay, aka Terry Groom recently brought his ukulele to Jim Deva Plaza and plans to play the plaza as often as he can. Already known in Victoria and on Granville Island, TeeJay has a fond spot in his heart for Davie Village because of his experiences and the people he has met, including Jim Deva himself.
Terry has overcome many challenges and wants to raise awareness of HIV and addiction. He doesn’t hide his history as he moves forward with his musical ambitions. There was a point in TeeJay’s life that he felt hopeless and found himself on the street. He became addicted to meth and cocaine and his life was on a downward spiral. He did porn for a while but the onset of his illness brought that to an end. He reached out to Positive Living BC and met Ken Buchanan. Terry credits Ken for setting him on path to recovery, and helping him reclaim his life. “I surely would have perished if not for the sage advise from Ken” says Terry.
Now a prolific busker, Terry plans to make regular appearances in Vancouver, especially in Jim Deva Plaza. Recently he took Canada Place off his bucket list while performing for cruise ship passengers , guests and staff at FlyOver Canada at Canada Place on August 21st.
Busking has led Terry in a completely new direction in his life and he is grateful he can pursue his love of music. It’s been a tough road and it’s difficult to compete in the busking world when you have magic acts and other acts all looking to entertain in the limited busking spots around town.
Terry, or as we know him, TeeJay, has recovered from drug addiction and continues to build his life around music and awareness. “Being Bi, positive and a recovering addict is a hard load to carry. People can be mean and dismissive when they don’t understand” he said to Positive Living when being interviewed for an article.
Partnering with Aids Vancouver Island in 2012 for the Dining Out for Life campaign TeeJay has never looked back.
TeeJay has a partner and national sponsor in the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory since 2013. TeeJay cherishes this relationship with the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory and since 2013 has performed at their flagship store on Robson Street.
You can learn more about TeeJay on his Facebook page here.
Check out his YouTube play list and upcoming releases here.