You don’t have to look at numbers to know that Vancouver residents of East Asian descent form a significant portion of the population.
But if you do want numbers, here they are: according to the 2011 National Household Survey, Chinese (411,470), Korean (48,425), and Japanese (28,345) people make up 21 percent of Metro Vancouver’s population.
Yet within the local LGBT communities, out of all the various queer cultural groups that exist—from aboriginal and Jewish to South Asian and Filipino—there is a glaring empty space unfilled by any East Asian groups, serving people of Chinese, Taiwanese, Korean, or Japanese descent.
That gap has existed since the Asian Society for the Intervention of AIDS closed in 2011 after 16 years of providing services in Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean, and Japanese on issues related to HIV and AIDS.
Read More Here: http://www.straight.com/life/745236/why-metro-vancouver-needs-east-asian-canadian-lgbt-organization#DVP