Vancouver Casting is currently casting a commercial for an over the counter pain medication and we are looking for specific Families!
This is an exciting campaign that we’ve been lucky enough to be a part of for the 2nd year. The first campaign was very successful and it is one that is inclusive of Families that are different than the Traditional Family.
This includes: Single Parents/Interracial Couples/Families with Adopted Kids/Same sex parents with kids/Family with a transgender parent or kid.
We are hoping that you may be able to reach out to your community and help us with our search! We are auditioning Thurs. June 30th from 10am-3pm and Monday July 4th from 10am-5pm at Studio 3 Media, #204-106 W. 3rd Ave.
Interested parties can contact us through email and send us a brief description of themselves. They would need to be available for one of the audition days…one of the Callback days (July 9/10) and one or two of the Shoot dates (July 14/15). Rates: approx. $2000-2500. p/person.
For more information you may visit our website at: http://www.vancouvercasting.com/casting-call—project-families-casting-for-12-roles.html