Organizers invite people to check group’s new pages to participate
The co-organizer of Vancouver’s annual trans march is hoping people will check out the event’s new Facebook page, after Facebook deleted the group’s previous profile without notice.
“All of our photos, contacts and friends from that account are gone,” says Catherine Mateo, in a telephone interview with Daily Xtra.
“That profile was created sometime before 2010. I think that was created before Facebook had the pages feature,” she says.
Mateo says trans march organizers lost access to their old account — with its 1,000-or-so likes — in January.
“The volunteer collective tried to log into the account and they couldn’t,” she says. “They were prompted to scan and upload a copy of the real ID of the person behind the account which was, of course, impossible because the profile was named after the event.”
Read More Here: http://www.dailyxtra.com/vancouver/news-and-ideas/news/facebook-deletes-vancouver-trans-march-profile-196987#DVP