In a new Leger poll conducted in the latter half of May of 2016, 67% of Albertans said they support “initiatives to protect transgender students”. Only 13% opposed such support with the remainder either neutral or not knowing. Of the 67% support, two thirds (45% of Albertans) “strongly supported” such initiatives.
The poll also asked whether Albertans supported “transgender students being able to use the school washroom that matches their gender identity”. 50% of respondents supported such use of school washrooms while only 29% were opposed. Fully a third of Albertans (33%) “strongly supported” such use of school washrooms.
Speaking to the survey results, Dr. Kristopher Wells of the Institute for Sexual Minority Studies and Services at the University of Alberta made these comments:
“It is reassuring to see how many Albertans support the protection of transgender students and perhaps even more significant, how few are actually opposed. It shows once again how open and inclusive as a society we are becoming.”
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