Palm Springs, USA, makes History:
Last week the first entirely LGBTQ city council in the USA was sworn in at a ceremony in Palm Springs, California. Palm Springs is a favorite winter destination for many LGBTQ travelers from Vancouver, BC.
One era ends and another begins say many, who see this election as a springboard into the future. Palm Springs is an all age destination. Whether you enjoy hanging out at a bar, or sitting on a patio with your cocktail, Palm Springs continues to attract Canadians in record numbers.
With the addition of councilors Lisa Middleton and Christy Holstege, the entire city council is now LGBTQ.
“It makes me incredibly proud of my city. I was judged in this city by the content of my character, by the work that I’ve done in this community,” said Middleton. “We’re going to have a progressive city council, one that is focused on the future, one that is a problem-solving city council”. as reported in NextNow.
In the past Palm Springs was governed by more conservative politicians, including Republican Sonny Bono from 1988 – 1992. In 2011 police conducted a sting operation targeting gay men cruising. The sting saw 19 men arrested and the police were criticized for lack of evidence and acting on bias.