6 Months in Prison, Social Media Ban
A Quebec Man will be spending 6 months in prison and has been banned from using social media for three years after harassing and threatening a transgender women on Twitter.
Erick Poulin, 41, sent about twenty hateful tweets in May of 2013 to Michelle Blanc.
According to Blanc, it is more important than ever to denounce hateful messages on social media, especially considering the opening of the flood gates of hate speech following the US election.
Destructive Elements/Targeted People
Cyberbullying destroys lives and transgender people are at greater risk of bullying in all it’s forms according to Blanc. Since her transformation eight years ago, Blanc has gone to court three times after facing intimidation and harassment. She was successful every time.
“Before I die, I will remember the people I saved because I stood up for the cause of transgender people” says Michelle Blanc.
The accused, Poulin has a history with police including breach of probation.
About Michelle Blanc
Michelle Blanc is a graduate of the first class of Master of Sciences in electronic commerce, with a specialization in management, in Canada. She is the founder and President of Analyweb, a consultancy company specializing in e-business management and marketing.
Mrs. Blanc has been author of numerous scientific, research, didactic and “how to” publications and she animates a blog at michelleblanc.com, which happens to be one of the most influential French blogs in the world according to several sources.
As a speaker, she started her course at the prominent Council on e-business innovation of The Conference Board of Canada and has been speaking ever since in Canada and abroad.