While at one time, such signs did exist in our city—in restaurants, movie theatres, and apartment buildings—they would be protested if anyone saw them on our streets today.
However, such sentiments continue to exist online—such as on gay dating profiles.
Just as many discriminatory attitudes are more freely expressed on the internet, within LGBT communities, preferences against Asian men are sometimes expressed more easily online than many may be willing to do so face to face.
In response, a local resident has decided to do something to help out his fellow gay Asian men.
While previous campaigns, such as Sexual Racism Sux, have been aimed at changing the behaviour of others, Edward Ho launched his website, TheDatingGAM.com, this month to help gay Asian men learn from the stories of others. (GAM stands for gay Asian male, and the website name is a play on The Dating Game.)
“This website is about an opportunity for gay Asian men who have experience dating to share something that’s going to touch, move or inspire another gay Asian man who is struggling with … his dating life,” he told the Georgia Straight at a downtown café. “This is really about community building and self-empowerment.”
After taking a professional and personal development course about inspiring change within communities, Ho chose to work on a project to address issues within the local gay Asian male community.
Read More Here: http://www.straight.com/life/724776/local-launches-website-help-gay-asian-men-address-racism-and-dating#DVP