Providence Healthcare has released a pair of new concept designs for the planned St. Paul’s health campus on the False Creek Flats.
The designs are titled “Urban Court,” and “Pedestrian Spine,” with the key difference being the orientation of the main hospital building and the form that public space will take.
The concepts also offer a new look at the basic building blocks of the health campus.
The proposals include a mental health facility, dedicated research facility, outpatient clinics, along with a medical office, hotel, and retail spaces.
Clinical Planning Physician Lead Dr. Jeff Pike says the idea is to build more than just a hospital.
“A campus of care, which involves a seamless and patient centred experience for patients from home, right through their experience of illness in the hospital system and the healthcare campus and back to home again.”
Read More Here: http://www.cknw.com/2016/06/19/public-asked-to-weigh-in-on-new-st-pauls-hospital-concepts/#DVP
Link to Full Concept Document: http://vancouver.ca/files/cov/new-st-pauls-providence-development-concepts-open-house-information-displays-jun-18-2016.pdf#DVP
Concept drawings released for new St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver
As concept drawings are released for a brand-new St. Paul’s Hospital to be built just north of Vancouver’s Pacific Central Train Station, Paul Landry, a senior vice-president at Providence Health Care, and Kevin McNaney, the city’s project director for Northeast False Creek, walked The Sun through “Urban Court” — one of two preliminary layouts headed for public comment at open houses today and Wednesday.
Read More Here: http://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/concept-drawings-released-for-new-st-pauls-hospital-in-vancouver#DVP