Now in it’s 11th year Boldfest is set to begin on September 10th with this years theme “She Who Laughs, Lasts”. BoldFest is held the weekend after Labour Day each year and since it’s first convention the tradition has been to hold it at the Coast Plaza at Denman Place as it will be again this year.
Pat Hogan , Producer and recent Legacy award recipient (Life Time Achievement) draws inspiration from her earlier days at NYU where she established networks in America and Canada. This inspiration lead her to start Sounds and Furies Productions 25 years ago. Pat has a history of involvement in the LGBTQ community in Vancouver and around the continent. Asked what inspires her Pat replies, “It’s the coming together, the opportunity to be creative. Thinking of our lives, exchange information on health, finances and more. It’s also an opportunity to get introduced to Dragon Boating”.

BOLDFest is geared to mature Women 40+ yet younger Women like attending some events especially the dances. Youth is an important factor in this years agenda and one of the the topics that will be on the list is called Inter-generations and will include dialogue with older lesbians on issues that face all age groups. There will be a workshop hosted by Caroline Doerksen , recipient of this years Legacy Award (Youth).
2015 Workshops
LGBTQ Aging, Elder Care and Abuse with Gloria Gutman and Claire Robson
The numbers tell the story, with an aging population the discussion of elder care and elder abuse are all woman’s issues. Issues include physical, psychological, sexual and financial abuse and neglect. There is suggestive evidence that risk factors change as women grow older, as do the resources they need and that are available to them.
Gloria Gutman
developed and was director of the Gerontology Research Centre and Gerontology Department at Simon Fraser University from 1982-2005. She was President of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics from 2001-2005 and is Immediate Past-President of the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse. Currently, she is the lead of a unique inter-generational project that brings together queer youth and older adult creative writers to produce materials on elder abuse that will be relevant for their LGBT peers.
Claire Robson facilitates Quirk-e – the queer imaging & riting collective for elders and co-organizes BOLDFest, a conference for lesbian elders. Her federally funded postdoctoral research at Simon Fraser University investigated the potential of arts-engaged community practices. A widely published writer of fiction, memoir, and poetry, Claire’s most recent book, Writing for Change, shows how collective memoir writing can effect social change. Her awards include Xtra West Writer of the Year, the Joseph Katz Memorial Scholarship (for her contributions to social justice), and the Lynch History Prize (for her contributions to better understanding of gender and sexual minorities)

More Workshops
Photography, a Spiritual Practice with Jill Cruse, Olivia Travel
An Affair That Will Last A Lifetime with Tosh Hyodo
“Writing Alone Together: Journalling in a Circle of Lesbians! with Wendy Judith Cutler, M.A.
“Lesbian/Queer: Our Communities, Ourselves, Then and Now”with Nadine Boulay, Claire Robson and Elise Chenier
Breast Cancer Pink with Chelsey Hauge and Kate Reid
Healthy Lesbian Relationships: Talking Not Gossiping About the Hard Stuff! with Kate Rossiter and Bridgid McGowan
LESBIAN JEOPARDY…or is it Trivia??? with Allison Jones
ZUMBA® Gold (for the active older adult and beginners) with Denise Galay
Workshops are open to non-registered women for a $15 fee per workshop. Please come 10 to 15 minutes earlier to pay at BOLDFest’s registration desk, 2nd floor foyer. For complete details go to the BOLDFest website .
2015 Performances
Sept 10 Welcoming Reception 7:30 – 10:30 pm CLARA SHANDLER , Sidewalk Cellist
Friday Evening Sept 11 8:00 PM
, Theatre: “Seriously Funny Girl”
Saturday Evening Sept 12 8:30 PM
, award-winning Metis Singer/Songwriter
Sunday Evening Sept 13 8:00 PM
, zany Lesbian Comic/Singer-Songwriter
“TRU LOVE” , multi-award winning lesbian film, will be screened on Sunday afternoon September 13! with Co-director KATE JOHNSTON
Sunday Sept 13
Mable Elmore
, Provincial MLA presents the
, retiring Member of Parliament for Vancouver East since 1997, House Leader from 2003 to 2011, the Deputy Leader of the New Democratic Party since 2007.
“BOLD is dedicated to making creative space for lesbians & dykes across North America. An incorporated Society in the Province of British Columbia, BOLD organizes the annual BOLDFest Conference in Vancouver BC on the weekend AFTER Labour Day weekend, bringing together older/old lesbians and dykes from across Canada, the US and even Australia! Most who attend are 50+, but younger women friends and partners are most welcome and often do attend”. You can get more information on the BOLDFest and the complete schedule of events on the BOLDFest Website.