Warning, disturbing content
“Blindfolded, the three victims were taken to the top of a 100ft building barefoot, hands tied and terrified. Held by their ankles, they were dropped head-first in front of a huge crowd of onlookers. The mob, with many of them armed with stones and rocks to finish off the victims, were prepared if any of them survived”.
That is how ISIS is publicly killing gay men and report it publicly. This is beyond sickening and revolting, “ISIS, also known as Daesh, have taken control of territory in Iraq and Syria, there have been countless executions of gay people, with many beheaded, thrown off buildings or stoned to death. They have branded homosexuals the ‘worst of creatures”.
The above are just some of the headlines from today on the internet. From GayStar news and Mail Online.
There are images but they are so revolting and gruesome that we won’t post them here. You can link to the stories above. Routine executions of gay people continue on a daily basis in Iraq and Syria. Anywhere that ISIS goes life is destroyed. ISIS is pure evil and a plight on humanity.
ISIS religious police have been pretending to be gay men in order to coax others out of hiding, before arresting and executing them as reported by PINK news. (Honey Traps)
In Vancouver this weekend the Foundation of Hope is holding an awareness fundraiser just for this reason. To help LGBTQ+ refugees seek safety and to the point, save their lives. Sure we may have a few laughs seeing our friends fall over in heels but the serious nature of the event will be a constant undertone as funds are raised as well as public awareness amplified.
One feels helpless as there is only so much we can do as ordinary citizens. The community is talking and organizing to raise funds. This will help our deserving sisters and brothers as they try to live a normal life should they be fortunate enough to escape. The reality is most don’t and suffer tremendously at the hands of these extremists. The crimes in Iraq and Syria are just some of the crimes being committed worldwide.
If you can’t make it to the STRUT you can donate online at the Foundation of Hope donation page. You can also organize your own fundraiser through the Foundation of Hope website
The Foundation of Hope provides funding to Canadian Charity NGOs actively supporting LGBTQ+ refugees and immigrants. Operated by a working board of volunteers, this foundation may be the first of its kind in Canada and possibly the world. The Foundation of Hope originated as a group of individuals cosponsoring two gay Syrian refugees, who have since immigrated to Canada as permanent residents. Through this work, the team realized the tremendous hardship refugees can face, both when deciding to escape their country of origin and for those who have arrived in Canada.