Follow the Path to Equality
Each Sunday, and during Pride Week Jul 22 to Aug 4, Forbidden Vancouver will host walking tours that will take locals and visitors on a tour of Vancouver’s LGBTQ2+ history. The tour starts at 2 PM and lasts about 2.5 hours. Starting out at the Vancouver City Centre Skytrain Station on Granville Street and concluding in Vancouver’s historic Davie Village.
Davie Village is home to one of North America’s most vibrant gay villages. Today Vancouver has openly gay politicians and monuments in honour of LGBTQ2+ activists. It wasn’t always this way and times have changed, but LGBTQ2+ Canadians are still among the most marginalized people in our society.
The tour will highlight the protests and persecution of those who came before us. You will learn about the fighters such as Little Sisters and other courageous people, many of whom were trailblazers and many who are with us today and still fighting for equality. You will learn about the victories and the history of Davie Street and how it evolved into a gay neighborhood and ultimately an LGBTQ2+ Village known as Davie Village.
The Really Gay History Tour
Learn about early Vancouver clandestine gay meet-ups, and the strange case of Rex vs Singh at Vancouver’s old courthouse. Learn about the first gay bars on Granville Street and continue the path through Vancouver’s Imperial Court featuring The Queens and Drag Kings. Learn about the struggles at the United Church and Nelson Park before finding yourself in the heart of Davie Village.
Vancouver’s West End is home to Davie Village and the tour will highlight some historic tragedies that happened in this neighborhood. Discover the protests, the bombings of Little Sisters Bookstore and the epic battles it fought. Learn about a transgender campaigner who blew the whistle on the biggest crime in Vancouver’s history, and learn the remarkable story of a two-spirit warrior.
Visit Jim Deva Plaza and learn more about this vibrant community plaza and the history behind it’s namesake. The tour will end in Davie Village and it’s a great place to enjoy a meal or drink after your tour.
Forbidden Vancouver walking tour was researched and designed by storyteller Glenn Tkach with the support of founder Will Woods. Glenn and Will acknowledge those who have contributed to this tour. Kudos to the Vancouver Pride Society, Forbidden Vancouver and Vancouver Mysteries. Notable mentions include, Rosanne Kalenborn, Kaschelle Thiessen, Ron Dutton, David Reid, Tom Carter, Maurice Guibord, Neil Whaley, Jamie Lee Hamilton, Drew Dickinson, Crema, Lani Russwurm, Robert Wegrzyn, Heather Farquhar, Kiri Marr, Gary Patterson, and Tim Stevenson. The list is long and there are many more who never gave up the fight.
Want to find out more about this tour, tickets, and other Vancouver walking tours? Visit Forbidden Vancouver by following this link . Forbidden Vancouver