Annual General Meeting, Moving into the Future
Have you attended Surrey Pride? Maybe you have good ideas and fresh thoughts? Surrey Pride Society wants to hear from you, and is encouraging you to write those ideas down. AGM details below.
Fresh ideas and new faces are one of the goals for this year’s AGM. Surrey Pride 2017 was a more subdued event, as reported on CBC on June 25 th . There were some funding issues and other difficulties that dogged the society this year. Despite any barriers, the Board, members, and community members put on a memorable event.
The Pride March in 2017 was limited to the sidewalk, and because there was confusion as to whether or not the march would take place (due to construction), the march saw a reduced number of participants. Holland Park, location of the festival, was filled with displays and vendors, and the stage and entertainment lineup kept festival goers dancing all afternoon.
Why You’re Needed
It should be noted that the City of Surrey continues to fail it’s LGBTQ2+ community. After 18 years the City still refuses to fly the Pride Flag. Last year the flag was flown to commemorate the fallen at Orlando. It was a one time thing. This year the Pride Flag was absent. For several years the Surrey Pride Society has put up a small display in the atrium of Surrey City Hall. It’s a small limited display and inside a civic building that caters only to those who do business there. It’s difficult to attract new faces, and those with fresh ideas, when it is so blatantly obvious that the City of Surrey has made it’s LGBTQ2+ citizens feel unequal, and by not flying the flag is demonstrating it does not stand in solidarity with some of it’s most marginalized citizens.
These injustices have been challenged and addressed by the Surrey Pride Society for the past 18 years. New participants can help change the tide.
Shout Out: To the Surrey Pride Society 2016-2017 Board of Directors, Members, and volunteers who made 2017 the success it was.

Election of New Board Members
The Surrey Pride Society Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, September 21, 2017 , at the City Centre Library, 10350 University Drive, Surrey, BC.
Registration is between 6:30 PM and 7:00 PM
Meeting Starts at 7:00 PM
Positions up for election include: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Directors.
You must be a member to run for a position, and be a current member in good standing. Memberships will be available at the door during registration. The membership fee is $5.00 (correct change appreciated).
Underground parking available, and the meeting is within walking distance from Surrey Central Skytrain Station.
Questions, More information: please feel free to contact Surrey Pride at [email protected] .
Website: www.surreypride.ca
Facebook: Surrey Pride Society