First Official Group Ride: Vancouver Gay Riders: May 6, 2017
The Vancouver Gay Riders are planning an active summer of rides and meet ups. A meet and greet will take place at the Fountainhead Pub on April 8 th starting at 4 pm. The meet up is an opportunity to discuss adventure rides, preferences and destinations. This is a good time to discuss equipment requirements.
The group is looking for new members and promises adventure. Dual sport and motor-cross bikes are perfect according to the group.
The first “Official” group ride will be to Whistler on Saturday May 6, starting at 10 am. The group will meet up at Trev Deeley Motorcycles, 1875 Boundary Rd, Vancouver.
Vancouver Gay Riders is a LGBTQ and Hetero friendly motorcycle group welcoming riders and fans. The diversity of the group can put you in contact with dealers, safety schools and new people to socialize with.
The VGR meet several times for rides and hold other social activities. They plan to participate in Ride to Live and the Vancouver Pride Parade.
Depending on the weather, the rides usually take place on weekends between April and October.
LINKS to Vancouver Gay Riders Facebook group and meetup.com. Check them out and get your motor started!
Vancouver Gay Riders meetup.com group
Vancouver Gay Riders Facebook Page