LGBTQ2 Secretariat Announced as part of Budget 2017
In November of 2016, The Prime Minister announced a Special Advisor on LGBTQ2+ issues. Now with the the recent budget announced, some important changes have been added.
For the first time in Canadian History the federal government will spend up to $3.6 million dollars to establish an LGBTQ2 Secretariat with the Privy Council Office. MP Randy Boissonnault will head the Secretariat and work towards developing government initiatives. The funds were announced in the House of Commons as part of the 2017 federal budget.
“We have made great strides in securing legal rights for the LGBTQ2 community in Canada – from enshrining equality rights in the Charter to the passage of the
Civil Marriage Act
. But the fight to end discrimination is not over and a lot of hard work still needs to be done. Canadians know our country is made stronger because of our diversity, not in spite of it.”
The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada
“It is an honour and a privilege to be named to this role. I will work hard with the Prime Minister and the LGBTQ2 community to advance and protect their rights and address historical injustices they have endured. I look forward to collaborating closely with Egale and other organizations in the coming months to advance the government’s agenda for equality.”
Member of Parliament Randy Boissonnault
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Canadian Heritage and the Prime Minister’s Special Advisor on LGBTQ2 issues
The government said it is “committed to better understanding these challenges and making meaningful progress in advancing the rights of LGBTQ2 individuals in Canada.”
Sources: Ottawa Citizen, Prime Minister’s Office