The Who, What, Where, When and Why of Vancouver’s Best Leather, Rubber and more Buy and Sell Event.
Looking for something Special to wear to the Next Generation Party on Saturday night April 1st? Look no further, this must attend event will offer you selection and prices you can’t refuse.
The Rubbout Gear Swap is getting more popular every year. If you want to sell any gear, have it to Pumpjack pub before 1pm on Saturday. The Rubbout guys will take care of you!
The gear swap has become one of the most popular events at Rubbout; a chance to make some income on unwanted gear, have a drink with friends, shop and have fun. The sale starts at 1 PM and goes to 5 PM on the Saturday of Rubbout every year. Join in the shopping frenzy at 4:15PM when items that have not sold yet go to reduced price.
Why a Gear Swap?
The annual gear swap is one of the few ways that the not-for-profit Rubbout generates income. With the help of our great volunteers and from receiving 15% of each sale transaction, it enables Rubbout to continue to evolve.
How Does it Work?
Simple! You bring your goods to us and we tag, display, sell and give you money for your unwanted gear if your items sell. Goods are on sale April 1, 2017 from 1 PM to 5 PM. We get 15% of all sales, so if something sells for $100. we get $15. You get the balance. Price your items with that differential in mind.
What Gear is acceptable for sale?
We take all rubber, leather and kink items that you wish to sell. Our exceptions are dirty or torn clothing that would normally go to trash. We will not accept used penetration toys.
Where do I take my Gear?
As in the past, all gear is to be taken to PumpJack Pub – 1167 Davie Street, Vancouver, BC during the posted INTAKE TIMES ONLY.
Bring your sell-able gear to PumpJack Pub between 11 AM and 1 PM, Saturday morning during the intake period. There will be inventory sheets available that volunteers will help to fill out with your contact information and itemized information on each item including your selling price and lowest allowable sale price for the after-4pm reduction. At 1pm the doors open for the general public to buy anything and (hopefully) everything.
How do you prepare?
Take the time to go through the items you wish to sell. Clean if necessary. Remember if you selling the items, most likely you don’t want to take them home again, so price to sell.
Come up with a fair price for each item and an absolute lowest price you would accept, e.g. A leather jacket – you may ask $110.00 – if not sold at that price by 4 PM, the price will drop to your lowest acceptable price, e.g. $70.00. Keep in mind that Rubbout retains 15% of the price the item is sold at.
There will be a lot of items for volunteers to intake when arriving at PumpJack Pub. Please do not wait until the last minute to bring in your items; it takes time to list each item and tag them – cut off time is 1 PM. Above all, please show patience.
***Please note that Canadian cash is preferred for all gear swap sales, however credit card processing will be available at the Pumpjack main bar during the Gear Swap and will be either given as cash to the credit card user OR credited to Rubbout at 5pm. Please ask Rob at the Gear Swap for details if required.
Final note: IMPORTANT
All monies made from sale will be given out after 5 PM the day of the Gear Swap. If you have items that have not sold YOU are responsible to pick them up, otherwise they will be discarded – unless you have made previous arrangements, i.e. some one is picking up for you (this should be stated when items are dropped off).
We are not responsible for lost or stolen articles. In five years we have had one mix up and a few things have been shop lifted we are volunteers and are human and we have made some changes and taken precautions so this doesn’t happen but sometimes thieves are just to sneaky.
Thanks to Barry Piersdorff for images.
Link to Rubbout, get your passes and event tickets here.