Michelle Fortin Joins Board
transcript from VPS Facebook page March 3, 2017
The Vancouver Pride Society is excited to announce some changes to our Board of Directors. Current Co-Chair Alan Jernigan (formerly Treasurer) has resigned from the position due to personal commitments as he launches his exciting new Virtual Reality Company. Alan will remain on the board of directors as a director-at-large and will continue to chair the HR committee. Alan has served the organization tirelessly over the past five years as a volunteer, director-at-large, Treasurer and finally as Co-Chair.
Joining current co-chair Charmaine de Silva is former Vancouver Pride Society Grand Marshal Michelle Fortin. Michelle brings with her a wealth of experience as previously being the chair of the Vancouver Dyke March for five years and part of the LGBTTQ Advisory committee with the City of Vancouver. Michelle’s day job as Executive Director of Watari Counselling & Support Services, allows her to express her commitment to the idea of possibilities for individuals and communities, believes in solution-focused approaches at work.
Catherine Jenkins Joins Board
The Vancouver Pride Society also says goodbye to two of our directors-at-large in Bruce Antecol and Rhawnie Vallins who have had to step down from the board for personal reasons. Appointed to one of the vacant seats is Catherine Jenkins. Catherine previously helped with the Vancouver Pride Society Parade Working Group before joining the Board. She volunteers with the organizing committee for PFLAG Vancouver and works part-time supporting trans and gender-diverse youth. Her passions focus on community and peer supports for LGBTQ2+ persons and their family & friends as well as human rights. Catherine is also an award-winning scientist who is currently finishing her PhD in cell biology, through which she has gained experience with governance in graduate student associations.
The Vancouver Pride Society currently has one open board seat available and would encourage anybody interested in applying to email [email protected]
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