A Big Fat Prairie Wedding
The 17 th Annual Prairie Fairies Fowl Supper to mark it’s finale with a chance for you to get married.
That’s right, forget about working on those wedding plans and extra costs involved in getting married.
The Fillmore Family Foundation “will be takin care of it all!” says Linday Fillmore.

Linda Fillmore, Matriarch of the Fillmore Family and the Fillmore Family Foundation . Prairie by nature, Gorgeous by god. Saskatchewan-born, widowed, farmer has dedicated her semi-retirement years to sharing the tales and journeys of prairie folk. Born in 1933, Linda learned at a young age that the key to survival was not only fresh prairie air and good hard work, but also that a “forty” of Golden Wedding goes a long way in stiffening the bones for a long hard winter, and sure makes the boys at the Legion hall look a might bit prettier on a cold prairie night.
If you think you’re ready to get hitched Fillmore Family style, email Linda at:
[email protected]
Tickets on sale September 11 8:00 AM
Doors: 4:30 PM
Silent Auction: 4:30 – 7:30 PM
Seating: 5:30 PM
Pre-Dinner Follies: 5:45 PM
Dinner: 6:30 PM
The BIG FAT Wedding 8:00 PM
Wedding Dance: 9:00 PM – 12:00 AM
Coach Service from The Fountainhead Pub. Get to the Fountainhead for the pre-party at 3:00 PM and jump on a coach for $5 to the Hellenic
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