When chef Curtis Demyon’s parents came out to visit him from his hometown of Saskatoon recently, they planned on having brunch at Village, the restaurant he runs at 1143 Davie Street. Once a month, the midmorning meal there transforms into something distinctly West End: alongside classic eggs Benedict and other light dishes, Queen Eggs and Ham serves up a full-on drag show.
There was just one problem facing Demyon’s Prairie folks: they couldn’t get near the place.
“The first one we had was lined up down to Shoppers [Drug Mart],” Demyon says in a phone interview. “My parents couldn’t really get in because it was so busy. They walked by around front, then they came in the back and said they had to go eat somewhere else because they couldn’t get a table.
“My parents are very open and outgoing,” he adds. “I’m pretty sure my dad would have joined in the festivities at Queen Eggs and Ham.”
Read More Here: http://www.straight.com/food/743321/west-ends-village-restaurant-puts-pride-dining#DVP