Last year, Lucky’s Doughnuts created a special and colourful Pride edition doughnut to raise money for A Loving Spoonful, the volunteer-run organization which provides free meals to people in Greater Vancouver with HIV or AIDS.
This year, they’re back again, and the rainbow runs deeper this time.
While last year’s doughnut was a longjohn with rainbow icing, the Layers of Pride doughnut is a rainbow-layered vanilla-bean-glazed doughnut, with a candy ribbon rainbow stripe.
The limited-edition donuts will be available for a $5-minimum donation at the Denman Street branch of BMO (958 Denman Street) at the Vancouver Pride parade from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on July 31.
All proceeds will be donated to A Loving Spoonful.
Read More Here: http://www.straight.com/blogra/737401/luckys-serve-rainbow-layered-charity-doughnut-vancouver-pride-parade-2016#DVP