A contentious motion to consider designating part of Vancouver’s West End as a heritage conservation area was passed by councillors Wednesday, putting the development plans of area homeowners on hold.
There are about 35 restored heritage homes in Mole Hill, and most were built between 1888 and 1908. A trio of them could be developed in ways that could “seriously compromise” the esthetics of the area, according to the moti o n sparked by Coun. Adriane Carr.
Quentin Wright, executive director of the Mole Hill Community Housing Society, was the first of about a dozen people to speak on the matter.
“Without future protection, the future of Mole Hill as either a heritage site or as a public amenity is not guaranteed,” Wright told councillors.
Wright said infills planned along the alley that divides Mole Hill’s two rows of heritage homes on Comox and Pendrell streets contrast with the other buildings. It’s something that “might work in other parts of the city,” but not in Mole Hill, where the laneway is a “fully restored, award-winning heritage landscape,” he said.
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