taken from City of Vancouver/westend plan.
A new permanent plaza, decorative lighting, wider sidewalks, landscaping, public art, and a mid-block pedestrian crossing are being considered for the Heart of Davie Village at Davie and Bute streets.
These improvements are part of the West End Community Plan, which includes goals to: Invest in Davie Village public spaces
Enhance the area’s distinct character as a hub for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) community
As part of the improvements, we are exploring:
Naming a place or asset after Jim Deva to recognize his life and legacy as a leader in the LQBTQ community
Celebrating the history and contributions of Vancouver’s LGBTQ community in the permanent plaza
Design consultant PFS Studio is preparing the conceptual and detailed designs for the public space improvements.
As we work on these improvements, we want to hear from residents, business owners, community groups, and the LGBTQ community through open houses and online feedback. We’re also working with the West End Business Improvement Association, City advisory committees, and other stakeholders as we move forward