It’s Friday May 29th and our site is now live. We have been working hard to build a site that included many features and over time will grow for and with the community. It’s our hope you become involved with the community and if your have something to share or want to get published please contact us.
Things are progressing as we add even more features and interactivity to our site. There is so much you can do on Davie Village Post website. You get local news as well as entertainment news and listings. We have comprehensive community listing including video availability. Davie Village Post is the only LGBTQ+ local news source offering free classified ads. Ads are not permitted to show nudity or use vulgar language. We are streamlining our policies and they will be on our terms and about us page. Contact us for all your marketing and advertising needs and if you haven’t already signed up for our newsletter then please join. You will get the latest news and interesting things sent right to your inbox.