Here’s my chance to expose you all to one of the most enjoyable movies that I’ve seen in awhile. Now I realize that this movie is actually from 2014, but to be honest I believe it is a timeless, little jewel of a movie that everyone over looked. Do yourself a favor and see this film.
With a wonderful cast that breathes life into all its unusual characters, PRIDE is also a film from the UK which is a breath of fresh air in itself from all Hollywood made movies with any semblance of gay themes or topics. It basically invites us into the lives of UK activists in London who are fighting to support the National Union of Mineworkers and their families by raising money to help them get through during a year long strike due to a number of government instated mine closures. These young folks go out and fund raise to show support, even as they are spit on in the streets for doing so.
This movie has a bit of everything – a strong ethic, a learning curve for ‘newbies’, struggles and unknowns, a wonderful mix of characters we believe in, and best of all, a heartfelt conclusion that brings everything together. Based on true events from London and Wales back in the 80’s when folks were fighting for recognition and acceptance, this movie shows us a window into other aspects of gay and lesbian life during tumultuous times due to events that had nothing to do with sexuality. Be prepared for laughs and tears, and getting your fighting spirit in an uproar, but you will not forget these two very different groups of people, and how they show us we are all simply human in the end.